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Here’s an unbeatable tip for removing stains from your fabric sofa !

Discover in this article a foolproof tip for removing stains from a fabric sofa. Accidents can happen at any time, and it’s important to know how to act quickly to preserve the beauty of your furniture.

Whether it’s a wine stain, a coffee stain or a sauce stain, this simple and effective method will have your sofa looking spotless in no time. Follow our practical tips to get rid of stubborn stains without damaging your precious fabric sofa.

Stain sensitivity of fabric sofas

Fabric sofas are elegant and comfortable pieces of furniture, but they are also sensitive to stains. more vulnerable to stains than leather or leatherette sofas. This is because fabric readily absorbs liquids, which can lead to stubborn marks if stains are not treated quickly and properly.

It is therefore essential toact as soon as a stain appears using suitable products and following the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions. Regular care of your fabric sofa will help preserve its beauty and longevity.

Kate_cleanhome’s method for removing stains from a fabric sofa

In her TikTok video, Kate_cleanhome shares a simple and effective method for removing stains from a fabric sofa. First, she recommends boiling water. Then, she adds a detergent capsule to the hot water to create a cleaning solution.

Once the solution is ready, Kate_cleanhome uses a microfiber cloth to gently dab the stain. on the sofa, taking care not to rub too hard so as not to damage the fabric. This method removes stubborn stains while preserving the quality of the fabric sofa.

Internet users who have tested Kate_cleanhome’s method of removing stains from a fabric sofa have been very pleased with the results. They emphasized the effectiveness of the cleaning solution based on boiling water and detergentand the delicacy of the microfiber cloth used to dab the stain.

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Some have even mentioned that this method has made it possible to remove stubborn stains without damaging the fabric fabric. So it’s important to consider this positive feedback before embarking on fabric sofa cleaning, always making sure you know the material of the sofa to avoid any damage.

Exploring alternative methods for removing stains from a fabric sofa

In addition to Kate_cleanhome’s method, there are other natural tricks and products for getting rid of stains on a fabric sofa. For example, the white vinegar diluted in warm water can be used as an effective, non-toxic cleaner. By gently dabbing the stain with this solution using a clean cloth, you can often achieve good results without damaging the fabric.

Likewise, baking soda can be sprinkled on damp stains to absorb liquids and eliminate odours. After leaving for a few hours, simply vacuum up the baking soda for a fresh, clean sofa.

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Lucy Asher