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Plumbing : Avoid these mistakes and save hundreds of euros a year !

Plumbing is an essential aspect of any home that, when not properly maintained, can lead to costly problems. This article will help you identify and avoid the most common plumbing mistakes which could cost you hundreds of euros every year.

Whether you own or rent, these practical tips will help you to maintain the integrity of your plumbing system and save money on your bills. So, before you call in a professional, take the time to find out how a better understanding of your plumbing can help you save money.

Don’t underestimate the importance of water leaks

Water leaks, whether minor or major, should never be ignored. Negligence in this area can lead to serious damage. disastrous and costly consequences for your home and your wallet. Structural damage caused by water infiltration in walls, floors or ceilings can weaken the structure of your home and incur considerable repair costs.

What’s more, an untreated leak can significantly increase your water bill and promote mould proliferation harmful to your health. To detect a leak, look out for signs such as the appearance of damp patches, an unusual rise in your water bill, the sound of water running through the pipes even when all the taps are turned off, or a drop in water pressure.

The risks of using plumbing chemicals

Using chemicals to solve plumbing problems may seem like a quick and easy solution. However, these products can cause more damage than they solve. They can corrode your pipes, leading to leaks or even rupture. In addition, they present health risks which can cause skin irritation, burns or respiratory problems.

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Not to mention their harmful environmental impact, contributing to the pollution of our rivers and oceans. It is therefore preferable to opt for alternative solutions such as regular drain cleaning with baking soda and vinegar or the use of suction cups and ferrets.

The importance of regular plumbing maintenance

Regular maintenance of your plumbing systems is essential to avoid costly problems and extend their lifespan. It helps to prevent leaks, avoid water damage and improve energy efficiency of your home. For example, regular checks of joints and pipes can help detect potential leaks before they become a major problem.

Likewise, cleaning faucet aerators can improve water flow, while draining the water heater tank can remove limescale deposits and optimize its energy efficiency. Finally, don’t forget to insulate your pipes in winter to avoid frost-related problems.

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Lucy Asher